We offer many training opportunities to advance your research:

  • Online training tutorials
  • ‘Hands-on’ training
  • User discussion group: Bi-monthly online discussion groups will be organized to discuss behavioral and neurobiology assays (troubleshooting, protocol sharing, data sharing, etc), providing a forum for all Center members who are using or are interested in using the resources in the behavioral and neurobiology cores to discuss protocols, data, etc.

To Request Training

  1. Please become a Member in order to request services.
  2. To request training, sign into our Members only section and please fill out the Request services form.
  3. Upon receipt of the request services form, you will be contacted by e-mail.


Please remember to cite NIH/NIAMS P30AR079206 for support by adapting the following sentence:

We acknowledge the Chicago Center on Musculoskeletal Pain Research Core Center (funded by NIH/NIAMS P30AR079206) for support